
Everyone is welcome here! You truly matter to us, because you matter to God. He calls everyone into a relationship with him and everyone who chooses to say yes to his invitation. Jesus prayed “that all of them may be one Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us….”

Our goal at Saint Paul is well articulated by John Mark Comer to help each other “organize our life around three basic goals: Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do what he would do if he were you.” We are disciples, perhaps best understood today as apprentices. Following Jesus is both a solo and corporate effort. It will put the warped part of us back into shape and experience healing in the deepest parts of our being. To experience what Jesus called “life…to the full.”--Comer, John Mark.

Gathering. Growing. Going. It’s the heart of Saint Paul Methodist Church.

Plan a visit to St. Paul

Sunday school for Children & Adults: 9:00AM. Worship: 10:00AM.

Find online worship and other info on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stpauleldo

Nursery provided for infant-4 years old. Our secure nursery is located on the east end of the children’s wing, near the exit to the playground facing College Ave.

Use the form here and we will contact you with important information about your first visit with us!


Find us

700 West 8th Street El Dorado, AR 71730

Office Hours

(870) 862-4242



Pastor Contact
